Agency Discourse Memo

Date: September 15, 2010
To: English 1311
From: Steven Antunez
RE: American Pharmacists Association

The rate at which advancements in the medical field progress is astounding. One shortcoming of this is that most pharmacists are still prescribing medication that is years older and not as effective as newer medication. This is where organizations such as the American Pharmacists Association really shine. Many pharmacists leave graduate school only knowing the medical techniques and medication of their time. Their education is more like a snapshot of the medical advancements up until they graduate. Then after they acquire a job practicing pharmacy, medical advances leapfrog what they learned in school. The pharmacist might not even know if certain new medication exist, or if older medication has become obsolete.

The American Pharmacists Association has taken a stance on the issue of pharmaceutical obsolescence so that past, present, and future pharmacists can collaborate and learn about new advances in medication. All a pharmacist needs to do is enroll for membership on the APhA website and pay a nominal fee. This opens the door for pharmacists to a brand new world in which 60,000+ practitioners of pharmacy are collaborating and expanding upon what they already know. Members are also given up to the minute coverage on critical topics and issues within the pharmaceutical area. This is a phenomenal tool for any pharmacist as it keeps their knowledge fresh and up to date.

In order for a member of the APhA to stay up to date with the most recent news, e-mail newsletters and promotional materials are sent. These newsletters contain the most recent information on advancements on medication and specific issues surrounding the pharmaceutical field. The APhA would be nothing without it’s members and their constant support. This is because every member provides their own life experiences which are invaluable to any practicing pharmacist. 

The American Pharmacists Association provides information to everyone including prospective pharmacist students. The website is very well designed to match the color scheme of the medical field and also organizes all of the content based your current status in the world of pharmacy. The APhA also has an app for the iPhone that can be used to stay up to date with the organization on the go.